Speaker guidelines

The FOSS4G Europe 2024 conference is coming closer day by day, and we’re happy to report all preparations are well underway and we are gearing up for a very exciting event. Let’s go over a few points to keep in mind when preparing for your presentation.

  • Your presentation will be streamed and recorded taking into account the boxes you have ticked for your proposal at talks.osgeo.org . If you answered no to streaming, the video crew has some fantastic local wild nature scenes we will be using as a replacement during that time.
  • There will be volunteers in the session rooms. They can help you with any technical questions that might arise.
  • Your session will be chaired by someone, who will introduce you and your talk, and guide the QA. Although the event is streamed, questions will be taken only from the on-site crowd. Please keep in mind that because of streaming/recording all spoken word needs to go into the microphone even if the venue room is small and it seems pointless.
  • Session chairs will be announced in the days leading up to the conference. If you haven’t met them before, it’s a super opportunity to get to know new people.
  • Please stick to the schedule. This is important for 2 reasons - we have five parallel sessions running in different rooms at all times, and there’s also a live stream audience we need to think about. Your session chair will help you with timing and will signal you if you need to wrap up quickly. So:
    • a regular talk is 20 minutes of presentation time, 5 minutes QA, and 5 minutes for changing rooms/speakers.
    • a lightning talk is 4 minutes presentation time, 1 minute changing rooms/speakers.
  • If you have your slides prepared you can upload them as an attachment to your talk proposal at the general program https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-europe-2024/me/submissions/ . You can add both, files or URLs to presentations (e.g gh-pages hosted webpages). Please try to keep uploaded files less than 10MB in size. You can upload your presentation at any time up to 30 minutes before your session starts. But please even if you really like living on the edge try not to leave it to the last minute. Things piling up somewhere there will not help the conference experience for any of us.
  • NB! Academic track presenters! Please use the general program submissions page also for Academic Track presentations. Let’s collect presentations all under the same pretalx event so they are easily accessible from the unified schedule.
  • Internet connectivity is there, but don’t rely solely on it. Oddly, things tend to break exactly at the moment of live demos.
  • Using your own laptop is strongly discouraged as it makes everybody’s lives much simpler if you present your prepared slides from the venue computer - we’ll have less hassles with setup and no hiccups with streaming.

And that should be pretty much it. If you have any further questions please feel free to get back to us .

We, the Tartu LOC, are very excited to welcome you to our hometown!

Department of Geography,
University of Tartu

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