Scientific committee co-chair
Marco has been an OSGeo Charter Member since 2015. He currently works as a Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, supporting policies on geospatial data sharing/interoperability as well as the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. He is a researcher, educator and advocate on open source software and open data. Since 2022 he is the Chair of ISPRS Intercommission Working Group “Open innovation in Geospatial science and Remote Sensing”. He is a regular participant and presenter at global and local FOSS4G events. He was the Secretary of FOSS4G Europe 2015, a member of the Local Organising Team of FOSS4G 2022 and a Co-chair of the Academic Track at FOSS4G 2022 and FOSS4G 2023.