Saturday and Sunday, 6-7 July 2024
FOSS4G Europe 2024 is happy to host the OSGeo community sprint.
Participation is free of charge and anyone involved or interested in getting involved in OSGeo community projects is welcome. Lunch will be provided to the people taking part in the event!
You can choose to contribute to one or more projects. The sky is the limit. There’s always plenty to do - and it’s not all about programming. Translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, and testing are very important for projects! Conference registration is not a prerequisite for participation in the community sprint.
Although participation in the sprint is free of charge we kindly ask you to write down your name in the OSGeo wiki as it helps us with better planning for food and other resources.

FOSS4G 2016 Community Sprint in Base Camp, Bonn. Photo by Astrid Emde via