
Wednesday (3 July), Thursday (4 July)
18:00 - 19:00
Venue: Vanemuise 46 building

Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions are unstructured timeslots where people can self-organise themselves to discuss topics of interest. So, if there are any specific topics you’d like to discuss face-to-face with other people this is exactly the chance.

BoF’s can be held in BoF rooms at specified timeslots or taken off-site for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

The FOSS4G Europe conference provides the BoF rooms, but the setup of the bird-of-feather meetup is done informally using the OSGeo wiki by you yourself.

We will try to keep up and add the ones taking place during the allocated time slots also to the conference schedule to give a better overview of the discussions that are taking place.

Department of Geography,
University of Tartu

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