
Business to Business (B2B)

Tuesday, 2 July 2024 (Gathering at 17:45, official start at 18:15. Event until 19:45)

B2B offers a possibility to network and connect with businesses and participants on the spot. In addition, the sponsors get a chance to present themselves during a 2-minute pitch. Appetizers, snacks and beverages will be provided at the event. All this happens right before the main conference starts so that you have lots more opportunities to strengthen your network!

This year’s B2B will take place on Tuesday, 2 July at the expo area in the Mart Reiniku building. The gathering for the event will take place at 17:45 and the official starting time is 18:15. The planned ending time for the event will be at 19:45.

The event can be attended only by those who have purchased a ticket.

Department of Geography,
University of Tartu

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