Samantha Wittke

Samantha Wittke

Samantha Wittke

Program committee

Samantha Wittke joined CSC - IT center for Science Ltd (Finland) in 2021 as a Geoinformatics specialist and has a background in Geoecology and Geoinformation technology. She has been part of the CodeRefinery project since 2019, teaching best practices of FAIR research software development and organizing workshops around the topic. CodeRefinery ( has been developing new ways of international collaborative teaching and lesson material preparation since 2016. Since 2022, she is a board member of Nordic-RSE association and an active member of the Research Software Engineering (RSE) community. At CSC she is organizing events, workshops and courses and teaching spatial data science and High Performance Computing, as well as supporting users to get started with these topics. She is also currently working on her PhD at Aalto University and the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute on the topic of applications of remote sensing time series, which also includes some FOSS4G development.

Department of Geography,
University of Tartu

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