Story of the logo

Two colour versions of the conference logo

Two colour versions of the conference logo

FOSS4GE 2024 conference logo was inspired by the conference venue, the city of Tartu. Therefore one can notice different elements that are significant to the city.

Source: Raivo Aunap

Source: Raivo Aunap

  • First of them is the Struve's Geodetic Arc created by Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve who was an astronomer in the University of Tartu in the 19th century. The arc, which is also in the list of UNESCO World Heritage, was the first accurate measurement of a long segment of a meridian, which helped to establish the exact size and shape of the planet. 34 of the original measuring points are known to exist, three of those are located in Estonia. In Tartu, the part belonging to Struve meridian arc is the Tartu observatory which also indicates the longitude coordinate on the logo.
  • Second important element is the ribbon interwoven between the letters of TARTU representing the river flowing through the city - Emajõgi. The river is a symbol of the city and plays a significant role in the lives of the local people. Locals enjoy spending time both on the shores and on the river.
Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

  • Third element is the OSGeo ribbon which blends into the letter A in Tartu. It is traditionally part of every FOSS4G conference logo symbolising the flow of ideas and innovation, and sharing within the Open Source geospatial community.
  • Fourth element is the general triangular shape of the logo, representing a play button with a meaning of “Let’s get started!”

Author of the logo: University of Tartu Associate Professor in Cartography, Raivo Aunap.

All participants of the conference will also be welcomed with the conference logo stickers!

Department of Geography,
University of Tartu

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