Call for papers: Workshops

Workshops submissions timeline

Call for workshops:27 November 2023 - 14 January 2024
Community voting period:15 January 2024 - 28 January 2024
Announce accepted workshops:11 February 2024
Full program:31 March 2024
Workshops:1 July - 2 July 2024

We’re go! The workshop schedule is available


Workshops are practical hands-on sessions to acquire new know-how in the use of FOSS4G software. They should showcase current and emerging technologies and provide a direct interaction between our highly skilled OSGeo community members and the public at large who want to learn something new or consolidate their skills.

Workshop slots are 4 hours long and take place two days prior to the main conference days. We expect workshop participants to bring their own laptops. Please indicate clearly if prior installation of any specific software is required.

When submitting a workshop, please use the abstract to make the scope and contents clear. Inclusion of a list of topics you want to cover is very welcome. Ideally, you should also list the prerequisite skills e.g. basic skills in Python programming are required.

You will also be asked to indicate the level of difficulty on a scale of 1 (beginner) to 3 (highly advanced) for the workshop.

Please, keep in mind this is a Free and Open Source Software conference. Submissions promoting restricted license / closed source software will not be accepted.

The FOSS4G Europe 2024 Local Organizing Committee understands the huge body of work that goes into preparing a successful and educative workshop. Therefore, the accepted workshop presenters will be offered a possibility of free ticket to the conference’s main program.

Selection process

We will have a two-week community vote on the submitted workshops. The result of the community vote will be taken as a recommendation, but the last decision lies with the volunteer Program Committee. The community vote is essential for us to assign rooms and capacity planning for participants to get the best FOSS4G experience.

Department of Geography,
University of Tartu

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